Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Touched am I

When someone chooses to remember me 
When someone chooses to think of me
When someone chooses to extend some kindness towards me
When someone chooses to take that extra step to deliver that kindness to me
When someone chooses to participate in the kindness, even if they didn't know me
When someone chooses to expect virtually nothing in return for their spontaneous act 

She saw, she remembered, she gave - even from the other side of the world. The sheer spontaneity and simplicity of that deep gesture of care and friendship goes a long, long way in brightening up my day. 

Thanks, my friend!


Meens said...

So happy for you! :-)

Anne said...

Touching :-)

Neeraja said...

Thank you Meens and Anne :)

Archana K said...

A post dedicated to your friend !!:)She is lucky :)