While researching and reading on something entirely
different, less-than-perfect search results led me to this paper. And I
couldn’t help reading it, because the content of this paper is something that I have often thought about.
I know I sound like a stern middle-aged matron with her hair
in a severe bun, with tight lips and narrowed, scowling eyes framed with thick
catty glasses when one reads this post – BUT, I want to believe I am not exactly such a
severe, prudish person...
I am not really sure why
I need to type this out or even post it, as this brain dump of mine has
been languishing in my draft folder for several months. As with most of
my posts, I don't see the point it would serve if I posted it, other than perhaps
hurt, anger or irritate people. And worst of all, I know I come across
sounding bitter, caustic, and judgmental, when I (hope and think and
believe) am not holding onto any such emotions. I am merely voicing
because I understand myself and my thoughts better when I do. In a way
this blog is my narcissistic attempt to mainly understand and help
networking serves many purposes - mainly useful, heartening, positive
functions of bringing people closer, comforting those in need of social
support, quickly and efficiently promoting products and services, and
voicing out issues that need to be heard and spread.
to the majority of us, the majority of the time, they are distracting
indulgences that subtly and deeply latch onto our insecurities and
vices. I have seen this shift in me, and it has scared me; it still
scares and disturbs me, so I am not judging. It's an observation -
something that many can relate to and are already aware of.
Social networking sites are also a means to carefully construct
one’s identity and reality – with narratives that frame idealized versions of
how we want our lives and our self to be perceived. It’s a meticulous snapshot
(well, sometimes, or most times, a relay) of who we want to be known as, not
necessarily, who we are. It’s a tireless attempt at competing for and maintaining
this idealized version – always thinking about the next best picture to take,
how to take it, how to post it, how to caption it; what smart, witty, and
nonchalant observation to make about trending news; how to turn a mundane
activity into x number of likes, etc. And this surely encourages a form of
narcissism that’s a blow to any attempt at truly realizing and accepting our
inner-self – of who we really are and of who we want to be. Worse yet, it robs
one of those many many moments within the present, because they cannot be
captured through a post or a picture, and hence are lost from observation or
enjoyment. Like when a person concentrates very very hard to take that perfect
(clichéd) picture of wine glasses “casually” arranged around plates of fancy-looking
Hors d'oeuvres while also
capturing a hint of the background scene to make it look just the right amount
of hip, cool, “elite” and sophisticated. After 10 or more attempts with the
camera and 5 or more minutes of missed conversation and good food, the person
is still focused on posting the picture online to frame the narrative of their
elite lifestyle on weekends, and is eagerly checking their status to see the first
series of likes and comments. If this is not an obsessive need for validation,
that too for merely projecting an identity that one wants to step into, I don’t
know what else is. If one fails to ignore the interpersonal connections within
the present and tries to seek it through digitized, sometimes mindless,
notifications that assuage their notions of identity, isn’t it a cry for help?
And selfies just bring up so many more hidden
layers about
one’s need for approval and validation on so many aspects, ranging from
vanity, body-image issues, self-esteem to perception of social
popularity. Sometimes, the insecurities that bleed from a selfie are too
embarrassing to ignore. Why would one want to take so many pictures of
themselves so frequently and with such calculated precision that makes
it seem
casual? I think gone are the days when we relied on mirrors to reassure
or spike
our insecurity. Now, everyone whips out their phone camera (sometimes in
of a mirror – the irony) and relies on the picture rather than the
staring them in their face to understand how to feel about themselves.
after several attempts with angles, poses, and lighting, when that
selfie is taken, what is the point of sharing it? To share what exactly?
Of how
effortlessly pretty and put-together they look almost every hour of the
day? Of
how their days are filled with a ceaseless flow of interesting
activities and
people that want to be near them, hug them, and smile with them? Of how
they are with their partner, seemingly all the time, wherever they go,
whatever they do? Like several others, I am no stranger to seeing couples
put on fake smiles for a selfie to craft an alternate version of
Sharing one’s happiness and special moments with people in our close
network is
something I definitely understand. But the compulsive need to share fake
happiness and smiles to convince people time and again of something that
doesn’t exist – is disturbing and sad. Or is it because the picture
becomes authentic and “real” in our mind as it garners more likes and
comments? Does it take a
life of its own and grow into something that we want it to be when we
it within our network? Almost like planting an idea, a thought within
ourselves because we want to believe in it so much?
And with all this careful framing and manipulation of
reality, all that one does is to show how much they conform to the homogenous
clique of people that eat similar kinds of food, that travel to similar places,
do similar activities, and post similar kinds of updates. They make a statement
that they are all similarly cool, happy, and even edgy. But with each post and
picture, there is also an equally desperate attempt to show that they are also
slightly, ever so slightly, different. And everyone is scrambling to establish
their own “delta” of edginess and uniqueness with repeated attempts with their
cameras and mental rehearsals of things to post. But to what end? As with most
things in life, will superficiality and fakeness also level itself off at some
point and will there be an equilibrium in and of itself within the online
world? I think so. There will always be a point when alternate realities
crumble and crack. And even within the hundreds of thousands of people that
thrive with some measure of external digitized validation, a truly “needy” and "fake"
person stands out, eventually. And they would need to start working on “damage
control” if they want to be accepted into the pool again.
I understand that most of us need to create our own
haven of
reality so that we can live through aspects of our lives that are
ideal. I get it. I am not immune to it. All of us have good reason to be
selective of what we post and share, and how we choose to project
ourselves to
the world. Our need to look our best is rooted in our core. So this post
mine is not to chide or judge anyone, nor to make a sweeping,
comment on everyone that is active on social networking sites and that
post or
don’t post selfies. It’s about how destructive this indulgence can be,
especially on individuals that are lost, on young adolescents and
that are trying to figure out who they are through the lens of made-up
profiles and superficial relationships. Maybe that’s just the next phase
of our evolution. Maybe this is
how people will make sense of the world and themselves, and this is the
(or rather the present) form of establishing and maintaining
interpersonal relationships.If you can thrive on social networking sites
while maintaining a reasonably healthy sanity - you are one of the
fittest that has survived, or that will continue to survive.
Adarsh thanks for the comment and for sharing your thoughts!
You make a great point - can we fake happiness to the extent that it actually becomes real to us? It's something I have been thinking about too... not necessarily "fake" happiness, but to compel ourselves to recognize ways to make ourselves feel good. If we force ourselves to see things through colored lenses and if we are boosted with external forms of appreciation and positive messages, it does brighten our mood, even if it's temporary. Can many such temporary moments make us feel happier? I think so, but we will be addicted to the drug - the likes and comments - to sustain the feeling. Then we start living in this alternate universe, relying on it to make us feel better. Such dependence can't be good, can it?
I think if one treads the line carefully, they can indeed find much comfort and happiness, even if it is transient, through social nws. Sustaining it is another question. And if it makes them encourage their insecurities, one is surely heading down a path that is destructive to them in the long run.
Sorry, I am going around in circles! Just another dump of my thoughts!
Taking a slightly wider lens to the issue: A healthy dose of narcissism is a necessary part of your psyche for several reasons. Especially in India, given a heritage of altruism and sacrifice, it's easy to overlook this. Secondly, there are studies showing people who stay up late at night tend to be more narcissistic, or certain introverts are more so, etc. It's a long list, not always accurate, and most of all -- very easy for us to latch on to the ones we agree with :).
I do think "fitting in" to whatever cliques people belong to on their social networks is important to their happiness. And people become happy/ unhappy depending on the feedback/ exchanges within that network, not unlike in the real world.
Having said all that, to me, the rise of overly public social sharing trickles down to a less-connected society, people who are less fulfilled in their relationships, and most of all, less aware that these changes have occurred. Whether that makes them more or less happy is hard for me to say.
But the deepest loss of the selfie culture is that of introspection.
When everything can be published, liked, and validated in an instant, when every emotion in response to someone's opinion is represented by a "thumbs-up" or "favorite," we lose essential parts of our humanity, our connections with one another.
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